In addition to the event we try to arrange annually, the RetroMallorca name belongs to a non-profit association to raise awareness of the world of retro computers, software, and video games.
Another activity of the RetroMallorca association are the "Retrocacharreos", which is monthly.
At first RetroActivo could be the name of the association, but was changed to RetroMallorca in the wake of the popularity of the first exposition at 2010.
On May 30, 2011 RetroMallorca association was formed, with number 311000007736 in the Register of Associacions of the Balearic Islands.
Here you can know more details about our activities and become a member.
As you can see on the site’s widget, you can use the e-mail address, Twitter or Facebook or other social networks.
The aims of the association are
- Arrange events with computer, digital entertainment and its history as the main subject.
- Promote the spread and dissemination of Computing and Digital Entertainment History.
- Engaging in any activity related to Computer Science and Digital Entertainment.
- Provide a common point of contact and support for all the fans in Mallorca of classical computers, digital entertainment and collectors of all types of machines and articles related to their history.
- Take advantage of Internet tools and possibilities to carry out these objectives.
Any kind of profit is excluded.
2021 Organizing members
Xisco Servera Cargo: Presidente (@MundoRetroJuego) |
Carlos Bonet (La cueva del electroduende Cargo: Vicepresidente |
Artur Cardell (@artur_cardell) Cargo: Secretario |
José Martínez (@drachco) Cargo: Tesorero |
Gabriel Tomás Cargo: Vocal |
Miguel Lillo Cargo: Vocal |